
Monday, February 28, 2005

My Boring Telecast Has a First Name, it's O-S-C-A-R

As usual, the Oscars were a snoozefest. Chris Rock is getting raves for his hosting job, but I didn't think he was all that great. Funniest line (the only laugh-out-loud one, in fact): introducing presenter Renee Zellweger, Rock said she put on weight to play Bridget Jones and was going to put on even more weight to play Deacon Jones. And contrary to what others thought, I didn't find his line about Tim Robbins boring us with his politics hilarious, but maybe that's because I generally agree with Robbins' politics. I'm of the opinion that Steve Martin has been the best host in the last 10 years. Definitely not Whoopi.

As far as the awards, there wasn't much suspense, at least for me, because I correctly picked all of the major winners in an Oscar pool, save for the incorrect last-minute switch to Virginia Madsen over Cate Blanchett. I'm glad Million Dollar Baby won Best Picture; out of the three nominees I saw, Million Dollar Baby was the only great film. (Sideways and The Aviator were really good but fell short if you have to compare.) Oh, but one thing about The Aviator: The Beverly Hills plane crash sequence was amazing, certainly one of the most thrilling scenes in recent memory.

Still digging the iPod, though the shuffle is flummoxing me. Now, having a song in the iPod means I want to hear it, but the shuffle almost feeds on itself in a way. It'll play a Superchunk song, then it's like the shufflemaster says to himself/herself/itself, "Hey, I just played Superchunk, therefore I should play them again." And a lot of the same songs are being played again every time I return to the shuffle. I'm not really complaining too strenuously, but I'd like a tad more variety. You can rate songs and all that, but I don't know -- yet -- that I want to go to that trouble.

This morning's playlist:

Rainy Streets -- Superchunk
Getting Out From Under You -- Tommy Keene
Late-Century Dream -- Superchunk
Highwire Days -- Tommy Keene (see what I mean?)
Do You Know How Much You've Been Loved -- John Davis
Load -- Superdrag
Brinx Job -- Pavement
Length of Love -- Interpol
Naked Pilseners -- Portastatic
Theologians -- Wilco
Down in a Tube Station at Midnight -- The Jam

Total songs: 981


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