
Thursday, July 28, 2005

Regrets, I've Not Had That Many

Today is the 40th anniversary of the date of my birth. Otherwise known as my 40th birthday. Naturally, I've been reflecting (though only a little, as I try to look forward as much as possible) on regrets and whatnot. Basically, I don't have any major regrets. Minor ones, that's another story. Topping the list is the amount of money I wasted in my twenties and early thirties, mostly on alcohol and parking tickets. Oh, and I also drove drunk way too often in those days. I'm fortunate to be alive, really.

The other real regret I have is that my "career" (quotes denoting that it's a joke to call it that) is so undefined and unsatisfying. Tempering my woe is that I've always taken jobs for personal reasons rather than professional reasons, and this has resulted in happenstances like meeting my wife and finally moving back home to Chicago. So, it's impossible to truly regret this lack-of-career path. However, when you dislike your job so intensely, it's tough sometimes not to think, "What if I'd done that instead?" But those feelings pass pretty quickly.

And hell, I'm off to Wrigley today, and how can I be upset about being in that position? Exactly.


  • Wow, I'm a day late, but: Happy birthday, dude.

    Sorry about the Cubs.

    By Blogger Elbo, at 8:35 AM  

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